Investment climate in India is hindered by tax issues

India is striving to close the investment gap with China, as highlighted by CEO Insights. However, the country is encountering various challenges hindering its progress. Issues such as high tax rates, inadequate intellectual property protection, and excessive regulations are impeding successful market entry. Several prominent companies, including Tesla, Nokia, Parimatch, Foxconn Group, and Wistron Group, have experienced these obstacles firsthand.

Tax Challenges for Foreign Companies

Taxation poses significant challenges for foreign companies operating in India. The country has the potential to emerge as a major economic powerhouse in Asia, rivalling the United States and China in terms of investment opportunities. However, the burden of excessive taxes on foreign businesses, like Parimatch, hinders their ability to invest or continue operating in this market. By addressing these obstacles and creating a more favorable tax environment, India has the potential to transform into a highly appealing global business hub and achieve a $5 trillion economy by 2027.

Unpredictability of tax policy

The tax policy in India is characterized by its unpredictability. Domestic and foreign capital are facing a hostile business environment and companies like Tesla, Nokia, and other major players are being subjected to high taxes and intense scrutiny from tax authorities. The University of Paderborn and the World Bank have ranked India 53rd out of 100 for the complexity of its tax code and 58th for the complexity of its tax system.

Significant challenge for foreign corporations

The global minimum tax rate stands at 15% for multinational corporations earning over €750 million in business revenue. In contrast to the 23% global average, India imposes a 30% corporate tax rate on international companies. The adoption of electronic tax solutions could greatly facilitate taxation procedures, encouraging increased investments. This, in turn, would attract companies like Parimatch.

Lack of intellectual property protection

The absence of adequate safeguards for intellectual property rights is a pressing issue in the Indian market. Counterfeiting remains a significant challenge, particularly for international entities like Parimatch that do not have an official presence in the country. Despite their willingness to invest, pay taxes, and contribute to the growth of the gaming sector in India, the lack of robust intellectual property protection continues to hinder their efforts.

Exit of key stakeholders

As a result of tax challenges and inadequate legal safeguards, numerous enterprises are relocating from India to alternative emerging markets. Notably, Foxconn Group and Wistron Group have withdrawn from this profitable market, while Tesla has postponed its initiatives due to high tax rates.

Vietnam attracts more investments

Despite the urgent need for funds in India, money from major economies is being directed towards Vietnam. India is not receiving foreign direct investment at the desired pace.

However, various domestic and international companies, such as Parimatch, are prepared to inject millions of dollars into the Indian economy if the government establishes a more conducive environment for global capital.